Is WordPress Killing Web Design?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • acescence0

    how do you know you haven't seen any "out of the box" use of a cms? if you were to see it, how would you even identify that it was backed by a cms? blaming tools for lazy designers and developers? people enforce low standards, not tools. it's not the hammer's fault when your house falls apart. what it does do is lower the bar to entry and allow a bunch of clueless people to build websites and pollute the landscape with mediocrity, but at the end of the day it's people that are culpable, not their tools.

    • I don't disagree.. but I have seen sites built on Wordpress and all of those I've seen are blah. You can sport WP immediately.Boz
    • sport=spot WP immediately. You can recognize by looking at activity in Safari and similar whether or not it's WP site.Boz
    • in most cases this is true, but i can build a site backed with WP where you'd be unable to ID it that way, I suspect others can as well.acescence
    • as well.acescence
    • Yes, you can spot WP sites with no creative behind it. But that's it.404NotFound

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