
Out of context: Reply #13399

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  • drgz0

    Fairytale-like, extreme beauty

    Interminable praise to incomparably great person.
    Rodong Sinmun May 27, 1996 era of Juche (2007)

    Political figures from different countries say quite naturally is [the fact] that the whole world worships and reveres the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, pent immortal merits of the Korean revolution and the great cause of independence of mankind. [They] call himi "generally recognized elder politician", "Tenderly beloved Father of Mankind", "Sun of Juche", "Sun of all people", "The greatest of the great men of XX century", "The most prominent of the leaders of our time", "a legendary great man that illuminates the life like the sun ", and other [similar names].

    General Secretary of the Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist-Leninist) said that President Kim Il Sep worldwide recognized as the doyen of policies and that he created the Juche idea and his immortal merits continued to shine, that Korean socialism always wins, and that he - not to forget anyone The great leader is not just Korean, and Nepalese people and all peoples of the world progressivnoyh. The Secretary of the All India Peasant Union of the Communist Party of India, hailed Comrade Kim Il Sung, saying that he, being an exceptional statesman and a true Father of the Korean nation, to my last breath has made every effort to promote the happiness and prosperity of the people, for the sake of the independent and peaceful reunification.

    General secretary of the Communist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist-Leninist) met with the Great Leader, who stands out among [others] XX century and changed the destiny of the peoples of the world. [He] said that the brilliant theoretical and ideological work of President Kim Il Sung and his efforts to implement the revolution turned Korea into a powerful socialist state, but also further strengthened the forces of socialism and the forces opposed to imperialism for the independence. [He] is named it "the Sun of all people," the all-conquering military strategist "," comprehensively gifted politician practical direction, "" Eternal Leader of the great cause of world independence. "

    Chairman Mpumalangskogo Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of South Africa said that the progressive humankind can not forget the President Kim Il Sung and that he is a great mentor, as the first time in the history of the Juche idea, the focus of a people (the official language - AL) , and lit up the countries and nations of the road to self build their own destiny, stressed that [Kim Il-Sep] - is dearly beloved father of mankind, he provided material and spiritual support through during the independence struggle of all progressive mankind, and the new building of socialism.

    Indeed, all of the many honorary title of Comrade Kim Il Sung, illuminating our lives like the sun, [are manifestations] net confidence of the peoples of the world in relation to his outstanding leadership, high moral and immortal merits of the greatest of men, it is - a cry warm hearts of people forever, and deeply honored him.

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