When to cut your losses...

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Im a very amateur photographer and don't know the trade very well, so take my limited advice with a pinch of salt -

    i looked through your portfolio, and thought exactly what calli said.

    You have some very nice shots, but some do look like snap shots with friends. And then the occasional studio-esque shot would appear and that would look very good and interesting, but there isn't much of that type of thing.

    Get some studio work set up, get some good lighting and you'll have some great pics as your portrait skills already look decent, but with room to improve.

    Also in terms of the 'snap shots with friends' thing i said above, you could do with maybe cutting down the amount of pics? removing the snap shot style ones that look less considered in terms of composition framing etc than others.

    if it were me i would. I always go with less is more for portfolio work. Show less work, but high quality, than lots of work with high and average quality. The average work will bring it down.

    I thought this pic was great and if it were my portfolio, id put it on as the first image visible. -

    just my opinion though dude.

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