design thief in office

Out of context: Reply #54

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  • SeriousFreelancing0

    nthki has good point of communicating to your superiors regarding the redundancy, and how this can affect the relationship with the client...and the reputation of the work.

    This may be an opportunity for you to suggest that everyone works together to come up with 1-2 great ideas. After all the work space is set up to see over each other's shoulder anyhow.

    Although the client isn't presented 30 logos, I'd have to say that during my experience that angle was also very redundant regarding getting the most out of the agency/employees. I think it's worthy to mention the dynamics of the client/agency relationship when it comes to this point... most clients run the agency, when just by the nature of an advertising agency it should be the other way around.

    Another thought would be... if you're experienced enough or really bold you could suggest that your systematic approach to design is worthy as the look/feel of the agency. Maybe you can mentor her. Maybe she needs it. Maybe she's going through a very long creative rut and feels out of place, like a shivering baby baboon on the streets of New York, maybe not. But the point is, you're going to see this person for a good portion of your future waking life, might as well take the high road?

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