Leaving Iraq

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • TheBlueOne0

    You know, I tend to read alot, and I've read alot of stuff by guys that formulated the US military's COIN policies, alot of them Vietnam era officer corp vets, and they were fucking horrified how 30 years of counter insurgency doctrine got thrown under the bus in Iraq (and Afghanistan)..

    To quote, “Samuel Vaughan Wilson stares intently at the television news from Iraq. American infantrymen are kicking in a Sunni Muslim family’s front door, yelling and screaming and manhandling the father. Wilson grimaces. “This isn’t counter-insurgency,” he says. “This is not the right way to do this.”

    Yeah, and Samuel Wilson was a bleeding heart hippie*: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam…


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