Compare PC vs Mac

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • differenz0

    All my life I have been using PC, didn't like all the Mac hype. I used to use NC (Norton Commander) back in the days on my PC and got used to that sort of file browsing, continued to use Windows Commander, later Total Commander. One thing I didn't like on Mac, was different file browsing method. Later, I googled a bit and found out that there is Disk Order (works like Total Commander), and also found out after using my friends Mac for a month that Mac actually works better than PC. I was also worried about the file system thing, because I had all my large external disks set on NTFS (windows) which doesn't quite work with Mac.. Ofcourse, there's an app for that and now it works just fine. I totally forgot about the Total Commander kind of file browsing an am now using Mac.

    I'm working in the fields of graphic design, video production and music. All that on Mac is just simpler, more stable than on PC and it all just seems to work together perfectly. I will never go back to PC.
    I also have all my Apple stuff in sync with my Mac (iPhone and iPad).

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