not Drunk anymore?

Out of context: Reply #12

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    This man walks into bar he's never been to before. Promptly walks up to the barkeep and asks for three pints of Guinness. He takes the three pints, and sits down across the bar at a table all by himself. All of the regulars are keeping an eye on this newcomer and the door, waiting for anther two newcomers to walk in any moment. To everyone’s wonder, the man proceeds to take a sip from each pint in order. Everyone watches this for a while, and when he's done, One of the regulars walks up to him and says "Me and the Bays couldn't help but notice your drinking, never been seen in these parts before. May I ask why you're drinking three pints at once?"
    The newcomer says, "Aye, I'm from Ireland where me and me brothers always drank together. We all agreed that wherever we went in the world, we'd still drink together. So I drink one for meself, and one for each of me brothers." Satisfied with this answer, the regular walks back to tell his crew of the strange ritual while the newcomer leaves. The man becomes a regular himself, and continues with his drinking of three pints for years and years. He gets to know everyone pretty well, as they all get to know about his brothers. One day, the man comes in and orders only two pints of Guinness. The barkeep says nothing, but this causes a great stir in everyone else in the bar. After a while, with all hats and caps placed on their chests, they approach the man and one of them says, “We’re deeply sorry for your loss, but may we ask which brother has passed on?" The man looks startled, and with a sheepish grin he says,
    "Na, both me brothers are still alive, It's just that I've quit drinking."

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