Out of context: Reply #9

  • Started
  • Last post
  • 14 Responses
  • turnleftonpapuga0

    Acid trips
    Acid washed jeans
    Adding machines
    Adventures of Superman TV
    Afro hair styles
    Age of Aquarius
    Air brushed shirts
    Air conditioned signs
    Airline hijackings
    Airline no security check
    Album covers
    Album double covers
    Aluminum Christmas trees
    Alvacado kitchen appliances
    Alvacado shag carpeting
    Amazing Kreskin
    Amazing Randi
    American bandstand
    American flag items
    American flags on cars
    American flyer electric trains
    American Pledge of Allegiance
    Ancient Chinese secret
    Angora lined steady rings
    Angora sweaters
    Ant farms
    Aqua net hair spray
    Aqua Velvet men's cologne
    Army draft notices
    Army draft card burning
    Army field jackets
    Art deco
    Atari games
    Atkins diet
    Atomic Age
    Atomic bomb training exercises
    Attache cases
    Automatic record changers
    Automatic vending meals
    Auto themed ties
    Aviator glasses
    Baby Boomers
    Baby cloth diapers/rubber pants
    Baby food glass jars
    Baby moon hub caps
    Baby on board stickers
    Babysitting @ 50 cents an hour
    Backyard clothes lines & poles
    Bag boys @ grocery stores
    Baggy jeans
    Balsa wood airplanes
    Banana clips
    Banana seats on bicycles
    Banana split sundaes
    Band of Gypsys
    Baseball card packs with gum
    Batman hits: Pow! Ugh! Wam!
    Batman symbol round stickers
    Baton twirling
    Battle of the bands
    Balsa wood airplanes
    Bamboo doorway beads
    BB guns
    Beach & surf movies
    Beach bums
    Beaded necklace collars
    Bean bag chairs
    Bean shooters
    Beanie Babies
    Bearded Lady freak
    Beatle boots
    Beatle haircuts
    Beatle Mania & invasion
    Beatle souveniours
    Beat the Clock game show
    Beavis & Butthead
    Bee hive hair-do
    Beer mug exercise weight
    Beer sold as 3.2% alcohol
    Beer bashes
    Beer can collecting
    Bell bottom pants
    Bell Hops
    Belt buckle worn on side
    Belt whippings from your Dad
    Ben Franklin stores
    Berlin wall
    Bermuda shorts
    Bermuda Triangle Intrigue
    Beta vcr recorders
    Beta vcr tapes
    Bicycle banana seats
    Bicycle clothes-pinned card flapper
    Bicycles with large wide seats
    Bicycles with metal baskets
    Bicycles with tall handle bars
    Big band era
    Big Boy car hops
    Big chrome parts on cars
    Big Daddy Roth monsters
    Big hair bands & concerts
    Big hair-do's
    Big Top circus
    Big Wheels riding toy
    Billy Bass fish wall plaque
    Billy Jack movies
    Black and white photographs
    Black and white television
    Black Beauty
    Black face make-up
    Blackjack chewing gum
    Blackjack Mafia striking weapon
    Blacklight fluorescent lamps
    Blacklight incandescent lamps
    Blacklight posters
    Black Panthers group
    Bleached Hair
    Bleached Jeans
    Blonde jokes
    Blond furniture
    Blue eye shadow
    Blue flash bulbs
    Bobby Fischer chess
    Bobby socks
    Bobbing for apples
    Bobbing head dogs in cars
    Body language
    Body painting
    Body socks
    Body suits
    Bola neckties
    Bomb shelters
    Bombshells from Hollywwod
    Bongo drums
    Book mobiles
    Boom boxes
    Borrowing a cup of sugar
    Bosco chocolate syrup
    Boston baked bean candy
    Bottle caps lined with cork
    Bottle redeemtion (pop)
    Bouffant Hairdo
    Bowling pin setters
    Bowling shirts
    Boy George
    Boyer Mallo Cup candy
    Bozo the Clown
    Bra burning
    Break dancing
    Brief cases
    British invasion of bands
    British Sterling cologne
    Brownie cameras by Kodak
    Brylcream hair gel
    Bubble gum cigars
    Bubble gum music
    Buckled shoes
    Buck Rogers
    Bun candy bars
    Burger Chef fast food
    Burma Shave road signs
    Butch wax
    Button fly jeans
    Cabbage Patch toy Dolls
    Calculator wrist watches
    Californa Raisins
    Calvin Klein jeans
    Campbell soup waste cans
    Captain Kangaroo
    Captain & Tennile
    Candy cigarettes
    Candy necklaces
    Canning food in jars
    Cannister vaccuum cleaners
    Car 54 where are you?
    Car headlights floorboard dimmer
    Car hood scoops
    Car hop servers
    Car hop attach trays
    Car hop roller skaters
    Carmen Sandiego
    Carnation instant breakfast
    Car pooling
    Car racing decals
    Car racing stripes
    Cartridge ink pens
    Cartridge typewriters
    Cassette tapes
    Cats eye glasses
    Cats eye marbles
    CB radios in cars
    CB language "breaker 1-9"
    Chain letters
    Charity plastic wrist bands
    Charlie McCarthy
    Charlie the Tuna
    Charm bracelets w/charms
    Cheap gas for your car
    Check that oil, sir?
    Chia pets
    Chinese fire drills
    Chinese laundries
    Chipmunks cartoon show
    Chocola drink 7 oz botle
    Chocolate Easter bunny
    Choker necklaces
    Choppers (motorcycles)
    Christmas carolers
    Chrome bumpers
    Chrome engine enhancements
    Church keys (can openers)
    Chunky candy bars
    Cigar boxes for school
    Cigarette advertisements
    Cigarette behind the ear
    Cigarette billboard blowing smoke
    Cigarette TV commercials
    Cigarette holders
    Cigarette T-shirt roll-up
    Circuit City
    Cissy bars on bikes
    Clackers toy
    Clapper turn off lights device
    Clark bar candy
    Claw footed iron bathtubs
    Cloth belts for men
    Clothesline drying
    Coal furnaces for heat
    Coffee perculators
    Cold War
    Collecting arrowheads
    Collecting Comic books
    Collecting pop bottles off road
    Collecting rocks
    College protesting
    Combat boot fashion
    Combat TV shows
    Comic books in drugstore
    Communism - thanks for dropping
    Communes with hippies
    Console radios 4 ft tall
    Console stereo's playing LP's
    Console TV's
    Coon skin caps
    Cootie toy game in box
    Cork inside bottle caps
    Cork pop guns
    Cork wall tiles
    Corvair cars - engine in back
    Corduroy pants
    Corduroy shirts
    Corner grocery store
    Corner Checks for payment
    Cornfucious jokes
    Cozy wings on cars
    CPO jackets
    Cow tipping prank
    Crash Test Dummies
    C-rations from the Army
    Crazy stickers
    Crocheted beer can hats
    Cruisin around town
    Crushed velvet furniture
    Crushed vinyl
    Crush orange pop soda
    Cuban heel boots
    Cuff links for shirts
    Cuffs on the bottem of pants
    Curb feelers on side of cars
    Cutoffs jean shorts
    Cyanide filled Tylenol threat
    Dance marathons
    Dances at Legion Halls
    Dancing Baby /computer 1997
    Danish furniture
    Darned socks w/knots tied
    Dashboard hula girls
    Dashboard Pontiac Indian head
    Davy Crockett moccasin kits
    Delorean metal cars
    Dickies - sub for turtleneck
    Dick and Jane reading books
    Dick Martin Laugh-in jokes
    Dick Tracy comics
    Dick Tracy spy toys
    Dictaphones - secretary device
    Dictators in lawless lands
    Ding-ding ring @ gas stations
    Dingle balls - cloth
    Dinner bell rings at the farm
    Dinner triangles also the farm
    Dippity do hair gel in a jar
    Disco competition
    Disco dancing
    Disco Fever
    Disco night clubs
    Dobie Gillis TV show
    Doctor visit house calls
    Dog TV shows like "Lassie"
    Dolphin safe tuna labels
    Donkey Kong video game
    Door to Door salesmen
    Doorway hanging beads
    Doscher's chocolate french chew
    Dot's candy in box
    Double knit clothing
    Doublemint twins w/ commercials
    Draft cards
    Draft card burning
    Draft dodgers to Canada
    Draft notices
    Dream Catchers - Arizonia
    Dribble glasses joke item
    Drink and drown bar nights
    Drive-in movies w/ snackbar
    Drive-in restaurants
    Dual cassette players
    Duck tails haicut style
    Early American furniture style
    Earth shoes
    Easy bake light bulb oven toy
    Easy button (Staples)
    Edsel car
    Ed Sullivan variety Show
    Eight millimeter home movies
    Eight track player
    Eight track tapes - 4 track
    Electric static football
    Electric lawnmowers
    Electronic radio tubes
    Elephant jokes
    Elevator gates accross door
    Elevator manned operators
    Elevator shoes for height
    Elvis mania
    Elvis after death sightings
    Encyclopedia volume sets
    English flag shirts
    Erector sets
    Evil Knievel dare devil stunts
    Fabio the model
    Fake fur cloth
    Fallout shelter signs
    False eyelashes
    Fanny Packs
    Farrah Fawcett Hairdo
    Farrah Fawcett poster
    Fender skirts on cars
    Festival concert seating
    Fiber optic lights
    Fingerless gloves
    Finned rear fenders
    First man on the moon
    Firework stands Fishnet stockings
    Five and dime stores
    Fingerless gloves
    Finned rear fenders
    First man on the moon
    Firework stands
    Fishnet stockings
    Five and dime stores
    Flagpole sitting
    Flappers - dancing 20's
    Flat top haircuts
    Flip up headlights
    Flipper TV show
    Flip Wilson comedy show
    Floor cloths type rug
    Florida voters turmoil
    Flower children
    Flower in your hair
    Flower pattern furniture
    Flower power decal stickers
    Flower power slogan
    Flying saucer sightings
    Folk music
    Fondue with sticks
    Footprint gas pedals for cars
    Ford Falcon sedan
    Ford Pinto
    Ford Torino
    Formica 50's table tops
    Fountain pens
    45 rpm records
    45 rpm plastic center inserts
    Four pocket pool tables
    Fox tail on antenna
    Frankenstein monster movies
    Freak shows at carnivals
    Free love movement
    Free road maps at gas stations
    French braids
    French Chew candy
    Friendship bracelets
    Fringed leather jackets & boots
    Fruit loops on back of shirts
    Fruit striped gum
    Fuller brush man
    Funny face powdered drink
    Full service gas stations
    Fun fur fabric
    Fuzzy dice on the car mirror
    Garbage Patch Kids candy
    Garfield in car window
    Gas cap behind license plate
    Gas pump attendants
    Gas rationing
    Generic canned food items
    Ghost Busters movie
    GI Joe toy
    Gilbert chemistry sets
    Gilligan's Island TV show
    Girder building sets
    Girls dancing in cages
    Git er done!! stickers
    Glass ceiling for women
    Glass eating
    Glass milk bottle stoppers
    Glass pack mufflers
    Global warming warnings
    Goatee beards
    Godzilla monster movies
    Goucho pants
    Granny glasses
    Grapefruit diet
    Grateful dead following
    Greasy slicked back hair
    Green giant
    Green Hornet
    Green sculptured carpet
    Green stamps
    Grunge music
    Godzilla movies
    Gold fillings for teeth
    Goldfish eating
    Go-Go boots
    Go-Go dancers in cages
    Good and plenty candy
    Gum wrapper chains
    Gummi bears
    Hacky sack
    Hair highlights
    Hair Ironing
    Hair tonic
    Hanging @ Drive-in restaurants
    Hanging suspenders
    Hang in there cat poster
    Hanoi Jane Fonda
    Halter tops
    Happy face stickers
    Hard contact lenses
    Hardy Boys books
    Harvest gold kitchen appliances
    Harvest gold shag carpeting
    Hell's Angels
    High school paddle swats
    High school skip day
    Hip huggers pants
    Hippies and the Hippie look
    High Karate cologne
    Hi-fi consoles
    Hi-fi records 78 rpm
    High performance muscle cars
    Hip Hugger pants
    Hippies from the 60's
    Hippie headbands
    Hollywood bombshells
    Homemade Ice Cream makers
    Homemade rubber band guns
    Homemade scooters
    Home movie projectors
    Home movie screens
    Hood ornaments
    Horned rimmed glasses
    Horse shoe magnets
    Hopscotch game
    Hot pants for women
    Hot Wheels
    Howdy Doody character
    Huffy Bikes
    Hula dolls for cars
    Hula hoops
    Hustle dance ("Do the Hustle")
    Ice cube trays with handles
    ID bracelets
    Identical going-steady outfits
    Imitation car phones
    Incense burners
    Incense cones & sticks
    Inflatable blow-up dolls
    Inflatable punching bags
    Ink wells
    Inner tubes in tires
    Instamatic cameras
    Internet cafes
    Invisible ink
    Ipana toothpaste
    Irridescent suits
    Izod shirts
    I love Lucy TV series
    Jacks & ball game
    Jade East cologne
    Jams shorts
    Jane Fonda workout video
    Japanese monster movies
    Jaws movies
    Jean jackets
    Jeans with high heels
    Jenga game
    Jockey (black) lawn ornaments
    Jordache jeans
    Jiffy-pop popcorn
    Jimi Hendrix experience
    Jim Morrison (Mr. Mojo Risin)
    Jitterbug dance
    Johnny Carson tonight show
    Jujubes candy
    Keeping a diary
    Kent State shootings
    Kick the can kids game
    Kilroy was here sign
    Knight Rider talking car
    Knit ties
    Kookie lend me your comb
    Kurt Cobain following
    Large whitewall tires
    Lassie the dog TV shows
    Laugh-in TV show
    Lava lamps
    Lawn darts (Jarts)
    Laser pointers
    Lazer Tag indoor games
    Lead base paints
    Leaded gasoline
    Learn to draw matchbooks
    Leather bracelets
    Leather football helmets
    Leather vests
    Leg warmers
    Leisure suits
    Lemonade stands
    Letter sweaters
    Letting it all hang out
    Lifebouy soap
    Life savers Wint-O-Green
    Lincoln Logs
    Linoleum roll up flooring
    Lip prints on letters (kiss)
    Liquid crystal display watches
    Liquid light shows
    Liquor commercials
    Lite-Brite colored pegs art
    Little Lulu cartoons
    Lone Ranger & Tonto
    Long hair
    Long sideburns
    Love beads
    LP albums
    LSD hallucination drugs
    L.S.M.F.T. Cigarette slogan
    Lucky rabbit's foot
    Lucky strikes
    Lumberjack jackets
    Lunch boxes
    Macarena song & dance craze
    Macrame plant hangers
    Made in Japan stickers
    Madras plaid fashion
    Mag wheels on cars
    Magic eight balls
    Marilyn Monroe posters
    Mars attacks cards
    Marx brothers
    Mary Jane candy
    Mash 1983 last TV ending
    Matchbook advertisements
    Matchbook Cars collecting
    Matchbook draw me art
    Maynard G. Krebs
    Maypo cereal commercials
    Max Headroom icon
    Maxwell Smart TV actor
    Mechanical calculators
    Meditation with Yoga
    Mediterranean furniture
    Mennen's skin bracer
    Metal downhill snow saucer
    Metal garbage cans
    Metal ice cube trays
    Metal kitchen cabinets
    Metal lunch boxes
    Metal service station toys
    Metal skates
    Metal sliding boards
    Metal toy trucks
    Mexican jumping beans
    Miami Vice fashion clothes
    Micro buses - hippie days
    Milk duds candy
    Milkmen who deliver Milk
    Mimiograph machines
    Mini bikes
    Mini buses (volkswagon)
    Mini, Midi & Maxi dresses
    Moccasin boots
    Mohair sweaters
    Mohawk haircuts
    Mongoose bicycles
    Monogrammed sweaters
    Monopoly game parties
    Monster Mash song
    Monster movies
    Monster trucks
    Montgomery Ward dept stores
    Mood clothing
    Mood nail polish
    Mood panties
    Mood rings
    Moon human exploration
    Mopeds & scooters
    Mother Goose stories
    Motorcycle jackets w/colors
    Motorcycle sidecars
    Mouse Trap game
    Movie matinees
    Mr. Microphone
    Mr. Potato Head
    Mr. T - "pity the fool"
    Mr. Whipple "don't squeeze"
    Mr. Wizard's world
    Mud flaps
    Mud wrestling & clubs
    Mumbly peg knife game
    Muscle cars
    Moustache wax
    Mustang car 60's rage
    Near beer
    Necco candy wafers
    Nehi and a Moonpie
    Nehru jackets
    Nehru shirts
    Neon colored clothes
    Nerf items
    Nescafe romance commercials
    Newsreels before movies
    New Wave music
    Ninja Turtles
    Nintendo entertainment ctr
    No seat belts in cars
    Nose rings
    Nuclear fallout shelters
    Nylon jogging suits
    Old Hires root beer
    Oscillating fans
    Ouija board
    Ovaltine chocolate drink
    Overalls - bib type
    Overpasses without fences
    Ozzie & Harriet TV show
    Packard car
    Pac-man video games
    Paddle swats in school
    Paint-by-numbers artist kit
    Painted hippie buses
    Paisley shirts
    Pajama parties
    Panty raids
    Paper straws
    Patent leather shoes
    Paper boys
    Paper cone cup w/ metal holder
    Paper cootie catcher
    Paper weights
    Patriotic shirts post 9/11
    Pay Toilets
    Peace symbols
    Pea shooters
    Pedal toy cars
    Pee Wee Herman
    Pencil behind ear
    Penny candy
    Penny loafers w/ pennies
    Personalized T-shirt words
    Peter Max posters
    Pez candy dispensers
    P.F. Flyers
    Phone booths
    Picket fences
    Pickup trucks with huge tires
    Picture postcards
    Piercings on the body
    Pinball w/rotary dial scores
    Pin-up Art and Artists
    Pixie sticks
    Plaid jackets
    Plaid pants
    Plastic cigarette box case
    Playtape 2-Track music system Platform shoes
    Pleated skirts
    Plether pants
    Plymouth Duster car
    Pneumatic bell @ gas stations
    Pet rocks
    Playboy clubs
    Pocket Bikes
    Pocket knife mumbly peg
    Pocket protectors w/pens
    Pocket watches w/ chain
    Pointy shoes
    Pokemon cards
    Polka dot clothing
    Polka dot Men's Ties
    Polly Pocket dolls
    Poloroid camera w/bellows
    Polyester clothing items
    Polyester suits
    Pong table game
    Pony tails for men
    Pony tails with scarfs
    Poodle dresses
    Pop bottle refunds
    Pop can openers
    Pop cans without tabs
    Pop guns - toy cork type
    Pop machines with glass bottles
    Popcorn balls
    Pound puppies
    Power lunches at work
    Power Rangers - all 5
    Power ties
    Prell shampoo with pearl
    Preppie look w/ sweater
    Press on nails fashion
    Princess push button telephones
    Private secretary
    Psychedelic dance parties
    Psychedelic items
    Psychedelic light shows
    Pub crawls
    Pup tents
    Puka shell necklaces
    Push button gear shift (Plymouth)
    Push lawn mowers - mechanical
    Pyramid power
    Raccoon coats
    Race riots of the 60's
    Radio tube testers
    Rat Fink models
    Razor scooters
    Real skinny neck ties
    Real wide neck ties
    Recap tires
    Record albums - LP's
    Record changers
    Record hops
    Record needles (stylus)
    Red lipstick
    Regular gasoline (leaded)
    Reel to Reel projectors
    Reel to Reel tape recorders
    Returnable pop bottles
    Rickie Tickie Stickies
    Roach clips with feathers
    Rockem Sockem Robots
    Rocking horses
    Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Roll caps
    Rolled-up jeans
    Roller derbys
    Roller Disco
    Roller skate keys
    Roller skating
    Roll your own cigarettes
    Rotary dial telephones
    Round TV screens
    Rubber band guns
    Rubber band powered planes
    Rubik's Cube
    Rugby shirts
    Saddle shoes
    Salad shooter
    Satin jackets
    Satin shiny shirts w/ big collar
    Saturday morning cartoons
    Savings & Loans companies
    Saying: "Bogus"
    Saying: "Cool"
    Saying: "Far out man"
    Saying: "Groovy"
    Saying: "Just Ducky"
    Saying: "Keen"
    Saying: "Killer"
    Saying: "Nifty"
    Saying: "Out of sight"
    Saying: "Peachy keen"
    Saying: "Psyche"
    Saying: "Totally awesome"
    Scarves worn on the head
    School crossing guards
    Schwinn String Ray bikes
    Scotch coolers
    78 rpm records
    Sea monkeys
    Sears catalog mistake
    Sears motorcycles
    Secret agent toys
    Seersucker suits
    Selective Service
    Sen-Sen breath mints
    Shadow puppets @ the Drive-in
    Shag carpeting
    Shag carpeting plastic rakes
    Sharkskin suits for men
    S&H green stamps
    Shoe shine parlors
    Shoe taps
    Shooting marbles
    Shoulder pads
    Shrunken head hung on rear view mirror
    Side ponytails
    Silly Putty
    Sinclair gas stations
    Sit-in demonstrations
    Simon says game
    Six million dollar man
    Sixteen millimeter home movies
    Skateboards (homemade)
    Skinny neck ties
    Ski sweaters
    Sky King TV show
    Slang language
    Slide rules
    Slogan buttons
    Slot cars & races
    Smile pin on buttons
    Smiley faces decals
    Smoking in public places
    Snipe hunting
    Snow tire studs
    Soap box derby's
    Soap boxes with towels
    Soap on a rope
    Soap whittling
    Soccer Moms
    Sock hops
    Soda fountains
    Sonic booms
    Soupy sales
    Soviet Union
    Space monkeys
    Space race
    Speak Easys
    Speed limit of 70 MPH
    Spiked hair
    Spin the bottle
    Spinner car wheel covers
    Stamp collecting
    Stand up collars
    Starter jackets
    Starving artists
    Station wagons
    Steam locomotives
    Steering wheel knobs
    Stereo consoles
    Stereophonic recordings
    Stock ticker machines
    Stick ball
    Stick shifts on cars
    Stiletto heels
    Stirrup pants
    Strap on roller skates
    Streaking naked in public
    Street drag racing
    String Art
    Striped pants
    Strobe lights
    Studded snow tires
    Subliminal advertisements
    Submarine races
    Sugar Babies candy
    Suit and ties for work
    Super ball
    Super Soakers
    Surf music
    Swag lamps
    Swatch watches
    Swedish fish candy
    Sweet tart candy
    Swimming holes
    Swimming nude at the YMCA
    Switchblade knives
    Tabletop juke boxes
    Taco Bell commercial dog
    Tae-Bo exercise craze
    Talking to house plants
    Talk to the hand
    Tandem bikes
    Tang orange drink
    Tap dancing
    Tarzan shows
    Teased up hair
    Teeter Totters in the park
    Telephone booth stuffing
    Telephone party lines
    Telephone prefix words
    Teletubbies TV characters
    Ten-four good buddy
    Test patterns on TV
    Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles
    The big bopper
    The "Fonz"
    The Honeymooners TV show
    The Macarena dance craze
    The preppy look
    The stroll dance
    The twist dance
    Thigh master
    Three D movies
    Three martini lunch
    Three piece suits
    Three point 2% beer
    Three Stooges
    Thumb Wrestling
    Tickle Me Elmo craze
    Tie clasps
    Tie-dye T-shirts
    Tie stick pins
    Tie stores
    Tiki necklaces
    Timex keeps on ticking
    Tiny Tim
    Tire snow chains
    Toes in socks
    Toga parties
    Tony the Tiger - Grrreat
    Top Value trading stamps
    Train stations
    Train trestles
    Transformer toys
    Transistor radios
    Trench coats
    Trivial pursuit game
    Troll dolls
    Trolley cars
    True love magazines
    Tube tops
    Tucan Sam
    Tuck & Roll car upholstery
    Tumble bug toy
    Turtle neck dickeys
    TV consoles
    TV evangelist Jim&Tammy Bakker
    TV rabbit ear antennaes
    TV repair men
    TV test patterns
    TV national Anthem sign off
    Twilight Zone TV series
    Twister game
    Two piece men's bathing suits
    Typewriters manual & electric
    Typist jobs
    UFO sightings
    UHF converters for TV
    Ultra Man action series
    Uncle Sam wants you!
    Unenclosed malls
    Unknown comedian
    Upturned collars
    Uri Geller tricks
    Valley girls
    Vegematic food processor
    Velvet choker necklaces
    Velvet paintings
    Velour pants
    Velour shirts
    Vested leisure suits
    Video Arcades
    Vietnam War
    Villian tying lady to RR track
    Virtual reality
    V05 hair grease
    Wallet condom rings
    Wallet chains
    Walter Cronkite news report
    Wash tub wringers
    Bottle caps lined with cork
    Wassup! the Budweiser Ad
    Watch rings
    Water beds
    Water pressure pump rockets
    Water served in restaurants
    Waxed lips candy
    Wearing caps backwards
    Webbed lawn furniture
    Western TV shows
    Whacky Wall Walkers
    What's my line? game show
    What's your sign?
    Where's the Beef?
    White wide belts
    White bucks (shoes)
    White lipstick
    White patent leather shoes
    White neck ties
    White tuxedos
    White wall tires
    Wholesome family TV shows
    Wide and long collars
    Wide belts
    Wide and pointy lapels on coats
    Wide seat bicycles
    Wide neck ties
    Wind-up to start lawnmowers
    Wing tipped shoes
    Wolf whistles on cars
    Women's bat-wing eyeglasses
    Women's Lib
    Wooden cigar store Indian
    Wooden dominoes
    Wooden nickels
    Wooden necklaces
    Wooden toboggan sleds
    Wooden toy building blocks
    Wooden train cars and track
    Wood sided cars
    Woodstock festival
    Woolco discount stores
    World Fairs
    X-Ray vision glasses
    Y2K computer scare
    Yellow ribbon around oak tree
    Your Mother wears combat boots
    Zarts lawn darts game
    Zagnut candy bars
    Zayre discount stores
    Zebra skin fun fur
    Zippo lighters
    Zodiac merchandise
    Zoot suits

    • You really are creepyAa11
    • And you'll stay off the Japanese Cat of the Day thread if you know what's good for you!turnleftonpapuga
    • you've let the popularity of that thread get to you.iCanHasQBN
    • You're right, I digress. Crawls back into cage and shuts door.turnleftonpapuga

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