Files to client - Yes or No?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Josev0

    It's really not a simple matter of "it falls under copyright", there are ways you can be damaged by this practice.

    I designed screens for software company ten years ago. The company requested the Photoshop files. They were given to another firm who made only minor/simple type changes and converted it to slide show, yet submitted the work to an awards show and won a gold award. I didnt go to the show but was called by three people after saying "didnt you do that".

    I also designed a site for a client who requested the Fireworks files. Since then I've been getting these terrible HTML emails from that client using edited/cut up pieces of my files. In an email exchange from one of the organization's divisions I learned that people thought I had created the emails. The emails were created by another smaller firm, not by me. This is very minor and I was able to correct the record but you can still see how there can be the potential for damage.

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