Ban the Burqa?

Out of context: Reply #130

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  • exador10

    a lot of posturing and talk and bluster here, but I'll just toss in a few things i happen to know for a 'fact' as well....

    my wife is a highschool teacher her school there are a lot of kids from Pakistan, afghanistan, india, you name it....
    now, when they get new girl students in from these countries, say fr'instance, pakistan, many of them do not, in fact, where the hijab or anything else....


    after being here for a little while they do.

    now...let me tell ya why.....

    some of the imams and such around here these days can be a bit hardcore about this turn, the local kids that have been here awhile pressure the newcomers into wearing it....
    most of them do in order to either 'fit in' or so that they don't run afoul of any local preachers etc.....
    that's just one teachers observation....and she's seen that happen quite a bit over the past few years....

    also, there have been (in the past few years) quite a few 'honor' killings....girls that didn't want to wear this stuff and thought they could get away with not doing so being killed by their families for 'dishonoring' them...

    there's a case going on here right now (or just ended)....poor kid got killed by her dad and older brother because she didn't want to wear the hijab...

    anyhow, any way you slice it, it's very sad....

    i'm all for people wearing what they want to wear a sheet over your body, go for it...
    you want to walk around with your head covered?...go nuts....

    however...choices are choices....

    and a lot of folks choose NOT to like that sort of thing, and will choose NOT to want to either work with you, be around you, or get along with you...

    there's always been a heard mentality with people...its just the way things are...
    and when confronted with something like this that's outside the 'norm' (girls and women covering up to this degree) people tend to get antsy about makes them feel awkward.
    and when folks feel awkward, they lash out.

    if it was 100% understood and accepted that all these women and girls were doing it 100% because they wanted to, i think that would go a long way to making things acceptable to atleast most reasonable people...
    but that is not the case is it?
    most folks think (and there's a reason for it) that these women and girls are NOT 100% into this, in and of their own choice etc.....
    and since there's that doubt, there is a feeling that these girls (or atleast some) are being forced to do it..
    which makes folks a little bit angry about it.....
    which leads to misunderstandings about culture, which leads to xenophobia, etc...

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