Ban the Burqa?

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • airey0

    "society’s right to view someone’s face"
    this isn't a right. it's your opinion on what a 'right' should be.

    "Just a hunch, and not based in fact, but I would say the vast majority of Muslim women who wear the Burqa and claim it is by choice, only say this to avoid persecution by muslim men."
    this is also just your opinion and not complete but certainly bullshit.

    do some actual reading and research. to start with there's a fantastic documentary by the BBC world service about this very thing. they interview a lady who is promoting the niqab (the burqa is the full body outer garment) usage. she in fact started wearing even though her husband really isn't into it.

    most important is the fact that it is a niqab ban, not a burqa ban. the burqa is the full body outer garment as mentioned above.

    don't have the arrogance to presume you understand other cultures belief systems when measuring them against your own. a mormon might say you drink and smoke because you're a lost soul or trying to escape reality whereas i just think it's nice to have a mental break from time to time. your perspective is given by what belief system and morals you're learnt growing up.

    personally i think it's ridiculous to ban it because we're all scared that it hides a terrorist underneath. do you think many of the terrorist cells around the western world are seriously going to do anything that makes them stand out like this? by pushing against peoples deep seated beliefs we're just going to make enemies of them which does the opposite of what we really want to achieve.

    that;s just me quickly and badly written 2 cents. i'm probably wrong.

    • holy shit, you have a head on your shoulders in addition to a profanity-spewing glory-hole! :Dbigtrick
    • fuck you. i am a simple profanity machine sir.airey
    • +1000000Invalid
    • How does one who shows so much intolerance on QBN have so much for the real world?ETM

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