Print to web - Learning?

Out of context: Reply #16

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    Beyond the technical aspects of web design (image formats, CSS, compression, the grid and all that fun stuff), learn the reasons why of eye-flow, content placement, use of different content types (video, Flash, images, et cetera). Take the time to read up on the strategy behind successful websites, and why their concepts and executions are considered great.

    Designing for web is not the same as designing for other media. In its simplest form, it can be akin to designing a simple one-page document. At its most complex, it can be like designing for print, outdoor and TV all in one project.

    Also consider what you want to be good at, as far as web goes. Brochureware sites? Rich media banners? Campaign microsites with chromakeyed video? Portals? All of these things are possible and, whilst many people are great at all of them, others like to specialise.

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