A cool CV tip

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • WeLoveNoise0

    direct mailouts you call "gimmiky" are sometimes a waste of time.
    But there are a select few that are very intelligent and is a great way to generate business.

    on the flipside, my g/f's company just fell for a real shit one where the designer had managed to get hold of her name and made the mailout to be some kinda of random for their lost mug (which she hadnt lost) then made her go on a website to spot out which one was hers (which is bollocks because none of them were). Then all it said was "well done you just proved this worked"

    needless to say he has been given a project.......WTF, it wasnt even designed well and the flash site was crap!!!
    i now believe my g/f to have shittest taste in design and learn never to take her comments on board

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