Being Humble in a Hectic World

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  • d_rek0

    lucky is right.

    I started freelancing so that I could further control and hone processes i've been introduced to in the 'professional' world. I've found the work on a whole much more satisfying because I can personally guide a client without having to worry about layers of middle men (sales, account managers, project managers, creative directors). Yes, it's a lot more work and even harder to do outside of my full-time gig but DAMN is it much more rewarding.

    I think ideaist touches on something that's important to me personally and that's self preservation. Looking out for No. 1. Nobody in this world is looking out for you so you need to do it for yourself. Don't think of it as being selfish but instead think of it as necessary. Not to say you should step all over other people, quite the contrary, helping others in many ways can be helping yourself.

    Just remember. It's you in this world making a name for yourself.

    • <kona
    • Set yourself up in a situation where it's just you, your lady, your two hands and the earth...ideaist
    • ...& roll with the punches because that is where TRUE satisfaction comes from...ideaist
    • ...Making everything yourself; food, art, design, etc. and relying on no man/woman (other than your community) for prosperity...ideaist
    • ...prosperityideaist
    • Sounds great if you can get health care on your own, idea...but yeh, I agree with your thesis.luckyorphan

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