Working for Free?

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • luckyorphan0

    I have to agree with sothere.

    While you may have been technically in the right by charging your client for your work, you may have affected the relationship negatively in a way that may cause the client to look around for another vendor...which hey may use for years in the future.

    At this point, you have to ask yourself which costs you more. I've often taken the long view with clients. It does result in a lot of lost hours, but those hours are well overcome by the good will and future business that has been earned.

    It's a tricky balance, certainly.

    • what relationship? he sounds like a ass.akrokdesign
    • true though.akrokdesign
    • :-)akrokdesign
    • It's the push/pull of client vs. vendor. You can be orthodox and say all time should be paid...luckyorphan
    • ...or you can be flexible and say that a few freebies tossed to a client is a sound investment in my future.luckyorphan

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