Why do we do this?

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • PonyBoy0

    about 13 years ago I worked for Citi... I was an 'exucitive' (lol) at age 21... it took me nine months to go from a drone who did the same old shit (moving paper - verifying customer info... boooooring repetitive shit) alll day long... ... and I saw a posting for an exec spot that I knew I could handle. I applied... and I got it...

    ... 3 months later and a quadrupled salary - I realized I was still in 'drone mode'... repetitive boring shit where 'the solutions' were already in place... and all I had to do was follow them... zzzzzz...

    ... I complained to my Dad... ... his immediate reaction - 'you seem pretty good at that 'art' stuff - goto school'... so I dumped that position - moved 1500 miles west for school...

    ...now I don't have to work.

    Love you Daddy!


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