HDR photography

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    Are you aware you can do HDR with a single RAW file? as opposed to the normal HDR route of multiple exposures of 3/5/7+ pictures?

    I was processing an image recently and thought id try a single RAW HDR image. From looking at the results i preferred the non HDR version myself. Judge for yourself, this image was taken through a train window by the way, so you may see some artifacts and glare, id tried my best to supress them in PS.

    Non HDR with photoshop processing - contrast, exposure, nothing major -

    HDR created in photomatix -

    • The HDR looks flatter and less punchy to me, if it were more subtle HDR it may have been better than the non HDR,Hombre_Lobo
    • I don't like the ghosting/halo effect you get on the lighter parts of the image...always a bit of a giveaway.robulation
    • I much prefer the top piccy, but if the grass was the only bit that was lightened (a tiny bit) it would be much better)robulation

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