dog aggression training

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  • dibec0

    tasty ...

    i am going to break your heart ... but you have a handful of issues that need to be addressed and trained. no worries, it can be done.

    first off you don't exercise your dog enough. Play time in the house does not count. really zero. One of you need to wake up 30 minutes earlier and go for a quick run in the morning. Crate/Kennel your dog in the morning as you get ready. Take her out, place your leash and walk out the door. Dogs have a strange thing happen when they go from a small space to a large space, for some reason they go pee. 10:30 PM - 1:00 PM is really a long time for a dog to hold it's pee (over 12 hours!) actually it is a little unfair for your new buddy.

    ps. if your dog does not go pee, put her in the crate/kennel and try again in 10 minutes. i also have a command "go to the loo".

    commands. your dog needs to know 3 commands in life. sit, stay, and down. that's it. if you don't know how to train your dog, hire a professional and please do not board your dog. you are the dog owner, you need to train the dog. it will build on your relationship and your girly needs to do it as well. not just you. it's an awesome feeling when you got your new friend to listen and respect you. it really is. the problem with boarding is that the dog will be trained by someone else, you get the dog home and thing is not listening. dogs are very sensitive to us. our energy, our posture, our tone, our scent, our feelings, etc. You need to acknowledge this when dealing with your furry friend. You are the boss, that's it, do not let this animal control you or anyone else. It's really that simple. You just need to project this. In a wolf pack, the pack leader can give a look and that look will make another wolf go straight down to the ground and become submissive. it's crazy. you don't need to yell, raise your voice, hit, or anything at all. You don't have that power right now but you need to get it.

    Bottom line: Your dog does not respect you or anyone else. Dogs don't care if they are the pack leader or if they are 4th in command. They just need to know and have consistency. I don't mean to come off harsh, but I have watched these situations arise where the dog ends up getting hurt, another dog getting hurt, human getting hurt, or worst of all losing your dog. It's no joke. get a professional. should run you about $500.00-$1000.00. make sure it is one on one, and weekly. you will also need to make a commit of spending about 20 minutes twice daily training your dog and so does your girly. will take any where from 2-4 months. you will have an awesome best friend. probably the best friend you will ever have. ;)

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