dog aggression training

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  • d_rek0

    you're treating it like it's a human being. Unfortunate for you it's a DOG. That doesn't mean you have to treat it like crap but understand dogs are not human beings. It doesn't mean you shouldn't be affectionate or compassionate but it sounds like you're probably being a bit soft overall with the beast.

    body language
    Again, it's a dog. It's not a child, or a toddler or anything resembling a human being. Stop treating it like one.

    Play time does not equal exercise to a dog. For a dog, play time equals play time and they would be happy to know only in 'play time' for the rest of their lives. Exercise, such as a brisk walk or a run, is exercise for a dog.

    You don't need to hit your dog or physically abuse it but you need to dominate it when it gets out of line. If you pay attention to how the alpha dog treats other dogs in the pack you will see that when another dog steps out of line it doesn't typically submit another dog with the intention of hurting it or killing it - it is simply letting them know their place. You need to establish the social hierarchy in the relationship. You are the master here - when the dog gets out of line you need to firm up your body language, take on an assertive tone and act accordingly. If your dog is acting in a way it shouldn't be it is OK to make physical contact - sometimes all you need is to touch the dog or to poke it lightly in the mid-section. An extreme case may require a choke chain. Simply swatting at it and yelling in a fretful tone is going to do nothing for you or the dog.

    Again, the training camp will be good for the dog to be with other dog. I have to insist though that truly what needs to happen is for you and the GF to alter your mentality from being the dogs friend to being it's MASTER. Once you do this the relationship you have with your dog will be much more rewarding on both ends.

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