Not new for long...

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • lukus_W0

    Why is new important?

    On a philosophical level, I think it's probably because 'newness' is a concept that's so far away from most people's ultimate - all-consuming fear - of death.

    Once our possessions become old, battered and decayed - it's just one more reminder that we're getting dangerously closer to our final destination.

    Ain't that a happy thought ;)


    Apart form the morbid nature of that thought - it probably is quite worthwhile thinking logically about what the benefit of a new / untouched possession really is. If anything, the only tangible benefit is in terms of its resale value - and even then, you're always going to be scared of the loss involved in ruining it's pristine nature.

    Your Vespa is scratched - but (although it's small consolation) I guess you've been freed from worrying so much about it now.

    I'd try an think of the scratch as something that makes it personally yours. Like a scar - it's a sign of experience.

    • Alternatively - get a copy of any street CCTV tapes via a Freedom of Information Act request .. and hunt the bastard that did it down.
    • that did it down! :)lukus_W

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