
Out of context: Reply #141

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  • bliznutty0

    i think you guys need to put into perspective that the selling of debt and financial derivatives are fraudulent and 'should' be protected by a justice system and free market values. what is going on here is a combination of corporatist entities creating toxic assets and reselling them as A+ investments which is fraud. with that said the big commercial banks that fail deserve to fail in a free market system. the truth is the government is protecting these banks after committint fraud against the people in plain daylight. this is not capitalism people. this is corporatism and failure of government to protect free market systems and capitalism.

    • stop pointing fingers. what do you think got us here in the first place?
    • i'm just pointing a finger at Michael Moore for making such a stupid filmbliznutty
    • then i'm pointing all of mine at you for being short sighted
    • i'm far from short sided man.. i simply hold the side of free market economics w/o govt intrusionbliznutty

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