Canon 5D v 7D

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • pr20

    I can't comprehend that even with pictures there are some people who still don't get it... So here is a clear, I hope, explanation:

    If i put 70mm lens on 5D and 70mm on 7D i'll get the same circles of blurriness within the frame:

    But as you can see with 7D i'll see significantly less. Because of the cropped sensor, to get the same exact frame with 7D as with 5D, i would have to use 43mm lens on 7D to see what 70mm lens is seeing on 5D.

    So if you compare the blurry circles of 5D with 70mm lens:

    and 7D with 43mm lens (the focal length that matches the 5D's 70mm):

    You can clearly see that the blurry circles are larger with 5D then 7D... Thus 5D has shallower DOF.

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