Steve Jobs and Flash...

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • twokids0

    At this point I think the technology will decide.

    If the other phone makers embrace and run Flash and it is NOT all the negative things that 'Steve Jobs' said about it and Flash continues to be used to create most of the multimedia content on the web, Apple will lose and be put in a corner.

    On the other hand, if he is correct and Flash DOES really suck on phones and tablets, and use too much battery, etc.. then Flash will slowly go into a corner, like Director i suppose....

    ...should be interesting.

    • < This. This story isn't over by any means. It's really just starting, and I think Google will be the next major combatant.Continuity
    • Ahhh..Director. I remeber that. Those were the days.section_014
    • Director died because Flash took it's place. Nothing has come along to replace Flash.CyBrain
    • Except Steve's bullshit.CyBrain

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