I'd rather be...

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • mg330

    I'd rather be watching yesterday's episode of Full House again (the one where Stephanie's shady but semi-caring friend asked Stephanie to go to her house on Friday night, her mom would be working late, and she was going to have a small party.
    Stephanie asked Danny if she could go, and he asked about parental supervision at the party (I think they are 13 in this episode) Her friend lied and said that her mother would be there, Danny approved of Stepanie's attendance.
    So Friday comes around, DJ drove Stephanie to the party, and the living room was situated with appropriate male/female, or should I say "boy/girl" pairings. Stephanie's friend came through for her, inviting a young sprout whom I believe answered to "Brian." Upon Stepanie's arrival, she was quickly whisked across the room to meet Bryan, moments later the living room lights dimmed, and the kissing pursued.... [insert dramatic pre-teen oooooooohhhhhhhh voice effect]
    Stephanie and Brian were sitting on the couch, and leave it to Bryan to figure Stephanie would forge ahead with the kissing, picture a young mindless grommet of junior high status puckering his lips in the most guppy of fashions, complete with eyes closed. Now, picture the look on Stephanie's face as she quickly alerts to his intentions, but still doesn't realize she is at a make out party. A few glances around the dimly lit living room presents to her a veritable kiss-fest (unfortunately not the band) in which it reeks of obviousness that these young adolescents are absolutely on Cloud 9. I honestly believe Stephanie got the feeling that the gates of hell were opening up and were about to swallow her whole, the look on her face said it all. I mean, for most of us that first kiss situation was a total nightmare, saturated with the parentaly painted illusion that kissing is how babies are made.
    Stephanie attempts to strike up a conversation with the overbearing Brian, soon after, he tries to convince her that they are at a "make out" party, not a talking party. Stephanie then gives in, and the most ridiculous display of amateurism ensues, leaving young Brian quivering for more, and Stephanie thoroughly grossed out, though she contains her disgust behind the slightest of smiles. Conversation follows, along the lines of Brian asking for another one, and Stephanie saying she does not feel right about the situation.(I at first thought her dislike for the kiss stemmed from Brian possibly not freshening up with Banaca, however, as you will soon find out, Stephanie is a good kid, morals undoubtedly programmed through years of living with neat freak, hugging addict and father, Danny Tanner) Her friend who is hosting the event is distracted from her current liplock, enough so to take Stephanie across the room and inquire as to "What's the problem? Why won't you kiss him?" She says she does not feel right, that she did not know it was going to be that kind of party, and that she has no desire to kiss Brian-maybe in the future, but not then. Surprisingly, her friend understands, and I say surprisingly because her friend began the show as Stephanie's arch-nemesis, provoking fighting, lying, cheating, and I believe even a peer pressure situation involving the smoking of cigarettes.
    Her friend says she can use the phone to call home, in which the bottom falls out of the situation.
    You see, Danny has had laryngitis, and has been talking with barely a voice during the episode. Stephanie calls home, and is too miffed by the horror of so much kissing in the room-she hears Danny barely talking and thinks it is her sister DJ. She says: "DJ, it's Steph. Can you come pick me up? I thought this was a normal party, but everyone is kissing and I just want to go home. Don't tell dad where you are going, he sort of believes there are adults here."
    Well, Danny is the one on the other end of the phone, not DJ. His face upon hearing the words "it totally turned into a make out party" was enough to split the television screen. Shock, disbelief, disappointment, all wrapped into one look.
    So the father drives to the girls house, Stephanie hears the knock on the door, thinks it is DJ, opens the door, and sees her father. As you can imagine, she slams the door shut in shock. (Tried and true classic television reaction, a true art if done effectively)
    She then opens it, and Danny can't talk because of his voice. About the same time, Stephanie's friend who is hosting the party-her mother arrives in the back door early from work! (another classic sitcom shocker, when parents are expected at a certain time, they always arrive early.-the Seaver children on Growing Pains are notorious for their poor planning and botched party operations due to Maggie and Jason always, always coming home early)
    Well, the girl's mother gives Jason some kind of magic family potion that clears up his voice in roughly 5 seconds. A silly conversation follows between the two parents, blah blah this, blah blah that. The two adults exchange sparkles in their eyes at the reality that they are both single parents. (Should anything come of this puppy love, Danny will likly blow it by obsessing over neatness and hygiene)
    ...Well, the episode wraps up with Stephanie and Danny discussing what happened, how he is disappointed in her, but proud that she was smart enough to get out of a bad situation-she is told that is very "adult of her." Next comes the deep meaningful moral of the show, accompanied by that sentimental music that gets you right in the gut.
    Stephanie then learns of her grounding from leaving the house for the next two weeks. Well, in her mind, if that keeps her from tense kissing situations, what is she missing?) than making the graphics.

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