NY vs. LA

Out of context: Reply #59

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  • monospaced0

    I grew up in SB, went to college in SD, designed in SF, and have recently moved to NYC. I've never "lived" in LA, but I know it pretty damn well via proximity. I love CA, it's different regions and climates, its beauty and its produce, the nature, the Mexican food and the good buds.

    Being new to NYC I've had to go through a ton of adjustments, giving up most of what I loved about CA listed above. Slowly I'm moving from frustration to acceptance, and now I'm starting to see that there are a ton of things about this area that make it great. I've been hiking in the mountains have seen a forrest of yellow and orange leaves, the New England coast is a thing of its own. NYC has a history as unique and deep-grained in American culture as any city, including LA.

    It's hard to compare two amazingly different cities fairly.

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