digital vs film

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • ribit0

    depends what you are doing...

    We produce an online magazine with thousands of photos from auto shows, and digital beats film in every respect that matters..

    - faster (online within hours, with only a batch process to resize, sharpen, and add tags, no color correction)
    - cheaper (no consumables)
    - ability to immediately review and reshoot where necessary
    - better quality than film (color balance, wider contrast range, less noise)
    - films potential higher resolution of no use since we only provide up to 1600x1200 on the site. (we shoot at 2560x1920)

    and film is so 19th century.... really, it was just a stop-gap until they developed digital, which has yet to fully mature... they'll be simulating the 'character' qualities of those Hasselblads in a few years... all I'm waiting for is ISO 10000-equivalent sensors for low-light work, and faster response times.

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