Richard Dawkins: I will arrest Pope Benedict XVI

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • kingkong0

    I thought this one of the more balanced commentaries...

    It best explains my point of view I suppose, which isnt that different from most here:

    "Most priests are not wicked. Catholics, in my experience, whether lay or clerical tend to be rather good people: gentle, spiritually aware, concerned for others, kept decently humble by the explicitness of Confession. But their Church has betrayed them, because it fossilised into a culture of hierarchy and unquestioning obedience, at the expense of individual conscience and intelligence. This is the fault line that may bring it down.

    I don’t want that, even if Hitchens and Dawkins do. But in making those who trusted it complicit in concealment, the Catholic Church has done a great and terrible wrong to its faithful. And I fear the Vatican still hasn’t grasped the full corruption of that."…

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