Richard Dawkins: I will arrest Pope Benedict XVI

Out of context: Reply #41

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  • kingkong0

    So we arrest the Pope and he gets convicted of a cover up. A year in jail for perverting the course of justice... Then what?

    There will be another Pope and the Catholic church will carry on existing... Some reforms for sure, but more or less unchanged as it has been for 2000 years...

    I guess if you dislike the Pope you see it as an institutional cover up and if you're a catholic, an establishment which hunt.

    At the end of the day the church isn't going to disappear over night, and any reform that will happen will happen within. There are 1.166 billion baptized Catholics worldwide, most of which kind of like where it is...

    If it wasn't Dawkins but lets say an actually abusee who was trying to arrest the Pope I'd have more sympathy. But Dawkins and Hitchens have a vested interest in seeing him defrocked.

    At the end of the day what they really want to happen is for the Pope not to set foot on UK soil. We have had huge separation of the church from the State in this country, and the atheist argument has to all intents won, and they are scared that its creeping back.

    • and there are nearly 7 billion people worldwide...they are grossly outnumberedmonospaced
    • indeed, but I doubtthey give a monkeys what atheists, muslims, hindus and buddists think.kingkong
    • I don't think Dawkins really said he was going to arrest the Popeukit
    • I'm not sure about this whole arresting this, just sayin it's pretty clear the Pope IS involved in this personallyukit

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