Richard Dawkins: I will arrest Pope Benedict XVI

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • kingkong0

    Utter nonsense.

    THE ALLEGATIONS THAT ARE COMING OUT DATE FROM THE 60'S AND 70'S (oops) around the world. Averaged out it works out at about 7-8 allegations in the whole of the catholic church each year globally.

    At the moment in the UK there are 4/5 allegations of inappropriate behaviour, on average 2 of which are found to be false. So thats 3 in the whole of the UK per year.

    Now im not condoning it by any stretch, and in fact I went to a jesuit boarding school that was caught up in a fairly major scandal in the 90's, but come on a bit of perspective.

    As a lapsed Catholic, I think it's been an unmitigated PR disaster but the way Dawkins is talking you'd think that the Catholic church is completely alone in behaviour such as this.

    Over the same period care homes, Children's charities like Banardos, the cub scouts for fuck sake have had a way worse record, but for some reason everyones after the catholics. I'm guessing its because of the visit to the UK this year.

    In the 60's, 70's etc so many institutions were aweful, the catholics were a part of it for sure, but if you're going to have a go at the Pope, there are a several other people you should haul in from Harold Wilson to heads of care to the elderly and all that.

    Dawkins hates religion, but he shouldn't misread this country. There are 6 million practising Catholics in the country, by far the largest church going population. I think it's a PR stunt, and the guy is way off.

    • did you watch the BBC documentary? There's plenty of cases and more cover-ups after 2000__TM
    • I didnt, but dont always believe what you see on TVkingkong
    • the documentary is full of first-hand victim & abusers testimonies, just watch it__TM
    • how many cover-ups of child rape does it take before it's serious anyway? 5? 20? 100?__TM
    • didnt say it was serious, just wondering when every other institution will be looked at...kingkong
    • the cub scouts have a record, no disagreement there... but worse? you've got to be kidding...BuddhaHat
    • Doesn't matter when it happened. Polanski was attacked for 30 year old crimes too.monospaced

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