
Out of context: Reply #117

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  • Projectile0

    right. now. here's the deal.

    the bible is a load of nonsense. It made sense at the time of writing cos fuck how else do you explain tornadoes and raining bloody frogs etc?! There's gotta be one big mean fucker out there and what better way to utilise his power than to use it to control people right?

    But people need religion. Every culture from the furthest reaches of the amazon jungle to central europe practice some sort, and NONE of it makes any sense at all.

    So let's all jsut accept that there's a part of our brain (frontal lobe methinks) that makes us need religion, no matter how silly it sounds. Like when you have sex with that minger.. you know it makes no sense but there's a little part of you that goes "aaah fuckit" it's my nature to procreate.

    End of thread.

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