Which iPad

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • inhaler970

    I really have a hard time with people saying that they should get an ipod touch. It really shows their limit in thinking about the potential something like the ipad can present. Just in Publishing itself, nytimes, wsj, wired, making interactive subscriptions for their publications I think it truly lends itself to that medium.

    The ipad is truly that object between the tablet, the pc, and id even say the Ipod touch. If you want to read things or view video and the web on an Ipod touch screen, fine, go with it. But I don't want to squint and swipe my finger every three sentences to read an article or a book. Add audio and video to the equation, maybe some animation, it truly becomes dynamic media.

    As far as the money goes I believe people will pay a small fee, not too high, for subscriptions. On my iphone I pay about 6 bucks for 6 months worth of McSweeny's subscription, which include video. Dude, a DOLLAR A MONTH is nothing for some entertainment. This is the new economy.

    Criticize it all you want, it can be the technology of the future.

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