Photoshop Q - how to

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • orrinward0

    I'd work on masking first then alter the color.

    Mask Technique:
    1. Duplicate your layer so you have the original and the top one will be your mask.
    2. Desaturate the top layer.
    3. Duplicate the top layer so you have two desaturate fabric patches. One of these will be your "bulk" mask, and the other one will become one for tweaking the fine edges.
    4. To mask the bulk out very quickly, use Curves and drag the two points together somewhat. Increase the level of white, and get the black so most of the fabric is black with the occasional white speck.
    5. Paint over the white specks in the fabric with black. Select all and copy this to your channels as an alpha.
    6. Invert the alpha channel and apply it by whichever means you chose to the original layer. paint out any blemishes in the white space (there will be 2 areas on the lower side).
    7. Use curves on the untouched desaturated layer to gain definition between the edge of the fabric and the white space. Add it as an alpha channel and use "Load Channel As Selection". On the original layer's new alpha channel, brush on the edges where there is leftover white glow from your previous selection.
    8. Do your colouring however you want to.

    When you get used to it this will only take a minute or two. It's not perfect but it's not bad.

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