Strategic partnership with a London web development agency

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • stewdio0

    When I re-read your initial thread post and remove words like exposure, strategies, initiatives, partnership, powerful position, etc. there's nothing left. It's all fluff. Your "what we have to offer" pitch doesn't offer anything. I mean, if I was actually interested in any of these partnerships what would prevent me from contacting these people myself? I could call them up and say "Hey, you know that company that doesn't actually know how to do the Web / app things they're pitching to you? We actually know how to do those things. And we can do it for 1/2 the cost." But they don't sound interesting. Or at least they're suffering from the way you've presented them.

    So get it out of your head that you're offering anything. Or that you'd like to "co-develop" something. The reality is that YOU desperately NEED someone to do the real thinking and developing for you. In this current economic climate I'm willing to bet small developers are hurting less than you are so I don't buy your "mutual success" argument either. There's a difference between

    A. genuinely seeking new approaches and

    B. floundering while trying to save face and take the economic upper-hand by asking to "partner" (ie. bend over) a technology company that doesn't actually need you. That's a sure way to disappoint your "partner", your clients, and yourself. I've seen this drama play out over and over. New characters, new settings, same result.

    But you know, that's just my take on it. Maybe my views are in the minority. So best of luck. I wasn't going to rant, but you did ask me to explain my "disaster" comment and I can't hide my frustration every time my eyes come across a pitch like this.

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