Punisher Trailer

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • cinder0


    stolen from AINTITCOOL talkback:

    .The only thing that pisses me off...
    ...isn't the change of locale , the stupid costume change , the fact that he's too young , that he's a cop and not a soldier...ok , fine , so all of that pisses me off but the BIGGEST THING THAT I HATE ABOUT THIS MOVIE: They changed his motivation! In the comics , his family ACCIDENTLY walks into a mob hit. It's a senseless act of RANDOM violence. RANDOM! Wrong place , wrong time. In this movie , his family is targetted for death. Not only is that a huge cliche but it also takes some of the pain out of it. The sheer randomness of losing his family causes Castle's break with reality. Since he doesn't know WHO killed his family specifically , he decides to go out and kill EVEY SINGLE CRIMINAL HE RUNS ACROSS. In the movie , he knows EXACTLY who killed his family. So where's his motivation to KEEP killing after Travolta's character dies? The Punisher's origin is a classic , similar to Spidey's: they are both spurred to action by random acts of violence against those they love.

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