Does HTML5 really beat Flash?

Out of context: Reply #53

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  • ifeltdave0

    I'm sick of these arguments. You don't have a funeral for a cancer patient when the doctor tells them they're sick, do you?

    Look at this new technology called HTML5.. Flash is dead! Such an ignorant way to think about this.

    Flash is relevant today, and is not going away anytime soon. Over time, sure it will go the way of the floppy drive.

    Until then, Apple is pulling these arguments out of their asses to mask the fact that they just want more control over their software. Android phones run Flash! HP's tablet will support Flash and AIR! Wake up and smell the Apple-scented turd under your nose.

    Don't get me wrong.. I use macs. Love them. Use an iPhone. Love it. But Apple has really got to lighten up on their control.. its going to kill their company in the long run.

    • absolute power corrupting absolutely and what not...ideaist
    • btw: I expect the devices I buy to support all relevant technologiesifeltdave
    • yes ! this is called open standards !spraycan

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