Does HTML5 really beat Flash?

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • ukit0

    Are most MMORGs developed using Flash? I'll admit I've never MMORG'ed, but I always assumed it was something more robust, considering Flash doesn't have any kind of true native 3D rendering capability. I'm guessing your more complex World of Warcraft type game with little elves and shit flying around doesn't use Papervision 3D. Could be wrong though, and would be interested to learn more about how those are done.

    Anyway, only point I would raise against what you just said is this idea that Flash is the only thing that works, it's cross browser - it's a great argument for continuing to use Flash today for some things. But if there are issues in terms of cross browser implementation, should we continue to rely on Flash as a fallback forever, or should we just move towards solving them?

    A few years ago after all most people didn't use Javascript too heavily for on-page animation because of cross-browser issues. Fast forward a few years, and it's pretty much displaced Flash in that area. The capabilities that HTML5 will add - VIDEO and CANVAS tags being the most important - will just fill in the missing gaps IMO.

    BTW, most of you probably know this, but I stumbled across John Resig's blog the other day and was surprised to learn how young this guy is (he's the one in the middle there). Three years after its release, JQuery being used on about 30% of major sites. With an open standards-based approach you can have unexpected innovations like that, closed standard not so much.

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