Moving to NYC

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  • stewdio0

    Don't listen to criticism; just do it. Move to New York. It's going to be rough at first, but that's because moving is rough. Getting to know a new city is rough. But New York will pay you back. Yes, some things are expensive. And you may not like some areas / social groups / whatever. (Some people dislike hipsters. Some people are hipsters. Everyone has their own preferences, right?) The point is that NYC is huge and has so many characters that it's not about what you don't like. It's about the fact that with so many options and a little effort you can find a lot of things you do like. And even love.

    There's a huge range of design studios, from small and concept-driven to large corporate slick types... And all of them are waiting to have a beer with you. Just email around and visit places, get to know people, see who and what excites you. And there are many QBNers in the city too. Basically, New York is waiting to embrace you in all of its noisy dirty homeless and corporate glory.

    The job part is easy; since finding jobs is difficult you can just take whatever you can find. (And scale up later.) It's deciding on a place to live that's the hard part! You should really concentrate on places near major subway lines. (For instance, if you're considering living by a subway stop that is only serviced by the G train you may find yourself sorely disappointed!)

    I could go on and on about my favorite aspects of the city... but probably better to answer your specific questions (if you have any) rather than just wax nostalgic for another hundred paragraphs.

    • I love NY.. been there plenty of times for work/hols.. but it's not the same as living there..RumperChunk
    • You're right. Living there is EVEN BETTER :)stewdio
    • Ha..! thats the spirit..!!RumperChunk
    • Living in NYC is the shizzz.
      Good advice form Stewdio there,

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