gay anti gay?

Out of context: Reply #63

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  • lukus_W0


    I thought I should add something of more substance to help explain the thinking behind my notes on the previous page.

    First of all, from many of the comments and ideas you've posted on QBN, I can honestly say that I respect you - and much of what you seem to stand for. I didn't mean to label you or be rude .. but I was annoyed by the way you chose to moralise re. homosexuality.

    The last note I made was a little on the harsh side - and I didn't mean to belittle your faith; however, I do feel that by trying to intellectualise a homophobic response, you are in turn, belittling a great many people yourself.

    I don't think it's fair it invalidate a relationship between two people who love each other. There is so much in the world that is _not_ ok - it saddens me that people would choose to berate people who love each other.

    When it comes to many Christian's views of homosexuality, it seems to me - in a manner of speaking - that the 'tail is wagging the dog'. I.e. the rationalisation, is a required after thought - rather than something which is justifiable in it's own right.

    If I believed that there is a loving God who wishes to guide us towards good choices, and I was also aware that homosexuality was assigned as a sin, I too would be unable to accept the that homosexuality is anything but a choice.

    After all, what kind of loving God, would allow someone to be _born_ as homosexual - when that same God would also judge that person negatively for being a homosexual? If this were true, God would quite possibly be a cruel god.

    So, as I see it, the whole concept of a loving, nurturing God is at odds with the idea that homosexuality is an innate part of the what some people are.

    I believe that dogma requires Christians to believe that homosexuality is a choice - because otherwise, the dissonance that developed would make it very difficult to accept other (positive) parts of their faith.

    All of this doesn't change the fact that the great majority of people who consider themselves to be homosexual, also feel that they were born that way. It's just unfortunate the fact is inconvenient to many branches of Christianity.

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