2010 Snowboarding

Out of context: Reply #90

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  • mg330

    2/3 of new setup accomplished!

    Burton Joystick 159W

    Cartel EST's

    Going to try on boots in person but thinking about the Hails after a few people I was riding with last week suggested more of a freestyle boot for more comfort. These seem to get really great reviews. After half the day last Saturday my left foot was numb; totally outgrown what I had.

    What else is a tax refund for but to spontaneously spend on stuff like this? I just really thought about it and realized my 13 year old beginners board was woefully behind the times. It served me well for 4 years in a row to Breck for a trip every January, but definitely time to upgrade. Should get the new stuff by next Saturday, then taking another Saturday trip back up to Wisconsin.

    • boots can take 5 even 10 rides to break in. numb feet in new boots is pretty normal.inkpink
    • my feet were numb in the old boots, the ones I got in 1997mg33
    • oh ha. nm then :)inkpink
    • Are the liners heat moldable ? Maybe go to your local shop and get fittedMSTRPLN
    • yeah, they're heat moldable. I did not buy them yet, trying and buying in person.mg33

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