Vendetta against Jobs...

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • nb0

    First of all, as a corporation Apple is legally bound to withhold or limit technologies if they believe it to increase profits for shareholders. So don't expect any favours.

    But to the original poster, I've been in the same conversation with clients, but the reverse. The client says, "why don't we solve this with flash." My response is always, "Because it won't work on my iPhone."

    I find it hard to believe that web designers are still using flash. Some of the same designers who talk about absolute accessibility, jumping through all kinds of hoops to make things work on IE6 are often still defending the use of flash.

    I sympathize with flash-designers, but I think in most cases flash is something that should be avoided. The internet is changing, it's time to adapt.

    • So suck it up, deal with it and move on then?! Let a great technology die...ideaist
    • exchange for a cleaner, safer, "Apple/iLife" approved standard?ideaist
    • Great post by the way nb; Edmonton?!ideaist
    • Thanks. I am shopping for a new city. Suggestions?nb
    • Smart, talented cats are always welcome in Toronto, Ontario... Although I'm not to sure anymore...???!!!ideaist

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