Newspaper in indesign

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • Iggyboo0

    Ok Get this correct Monospaced, I worked at a newspaper for a year in production if you are working on images that go into an indesign document before they get placed you should reduce their ink levels in photoshop to what I originally said. But first find out the ink levels that are required from your newspaper's production team each newspaper stock is different. Than you save the flat indesign file as a .pdf and it should be newspaper ready. But it's all about not creating too much ink so that it doesn't bleed and create splotches. This is all in regards to an advertisement as well. Maybe you can do this all in indesign now these days, but my old habits have been to lower the inks in images before their placed into an indesign file.

    • You can reduce the inks manually by making the file CMYK, and lowering the levels, you can check your total ink levels by opening up the INFO box in your photoshop/Window/inf... areaIggyboo
    • in the INFO box in your photoshop/Window/inf... areaIggyboo
    • you should have to reduce colors nowadays.... it all depends on what they are printing with, but printers can reduce it based on equipment is being usedEtype
    • shouldnt*Etype

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