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Out of context: Reply #19

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  • whatsup0

    AIGA position on spec work

    Speculative work—work done without compensation in the hope of being compensated, for the client’s speculation—takes a number of forms in communication design. There are five general situations in which some designers may work, by choice, without compensation:

    Speculative or “spec” work: work done for free, in hopes of getting paid for it
    Competitions: work done in the hopes of winning a prize—in whatever form that might take
    Volunteer work: work done as a favor or for the experience, without the expectation of being paid
    Internships: a form of volunteer work that involves educational gain
    Pro bono work: volunteer work done “for the public good”

    Spec work presents risks to both the client and the designer
    Clients and designers knowingly engaged in spec work share an equal responsibility to understand the potential risks and rewards:

    Clients risk compromised quality as little time, energy and thought can go into speculative work, which precludes the most important element of most design projects—the research, thoughtful consideration of alternatives, and development and testing of prototype designs.
    Designers risk being taken advantage of as some clients may see this as a way to get free work; it also diminishes the true economic value of the contribution designers make toward client’s objectives.
    There are legal risks for both parties should aspects of intellectual property, trademark and trade-dress infringements become a factor.

    • so their stuff isn't spec work, as you can't get pay in any form for the work.akrokdesign
    • (aiga)akrokdesign
    • you get paid with recognition, and promotion, they will take the money from you gladlyMeeklo

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