Converting m4a to mp3?

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • epic_rim0

    spmitch, I don't have all the answers. I have been in the tech industry for almost two years now, though, so I am the authority in this thread. Your solution, using "encoding rates" and "sampling rates", is mostly techno gibberish that most laymen will see right through. For instance, why did you bu that extra "ac" in the first sentence? Did you mean to say: "just use itunes convert to a better quality mp3,"? Are you a Compaq PC user or an Apple Macintosh user?

    randommail, the solution is not obvious because it isn't that simple.

    Take this example: converting Celsius to Fahrenheit.
    C=(F-32) x 5/9

    See what I mean? Now try applying that formula to m4a! The math just doesn't make sense. It's just too complicated. Believe me, I wish it was easier.

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