Canon 5d Question

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • Tungsten0

    Not sure how this thread turned into the old film vs. digital debate, but I'll take any opportunity to evangelize a little bit. It really bothers me that so many camera manufacturers abandoned the production of film cameras (and certain films) within the space of just a few years, I guess market demand made this a sensible choice for them, but it still seems premature to me. Many people still shoot film, and for good reason.
    If you've ever made a traditional colour c-print in the darkroom, you'll know why the relentless stampede to digital isn't such a great thing. Don't get me wrong, I love making inkjet prints from digital files as much as anyone, but try shooting a backlit portrait at sunset on digital and you'll see what happens to your highlights. They're just gone... and if you expose for those highlights and try to bring up the shadows in post you're now dealing with a shit-storm of noise.
    Once the dynamic range issue has been dealt with on digital cameras it might be more of a fair comparison, but for now I guess we have to accept that they are different beasts, with different strengths and weaknesses.

    • Just noticed that this thread has more long winded responses than I've ever seen in one place.Tungsten
    • leica stil doing filmbekannt

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