Canon 5d Question

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • Machuse0

    morilla - if film is dead, does digital make it too accessible. Anyone with a desire can shoot great pro looking work? (art notwithstanding please)
    How will this effect the fashion, portrait, architectural, news, product photographer? an industry where its client vision more than photographer vision. Its money more than art - get the shot, make it cool and go away.

    No longer do I need a studio setup and the costs and learning curve associated with it to create great outdoor / indoor shots. No longer do I need an understanding of exposure, and how my development process will effect final output. No longer do I need to spend time worrying about buying the correct speed film for the effect I want to achieve... just point and shoot

    Will things change? and instead of trying to spend money on the best photographer with an interesting process, all the lighting and studio equipment, the assistants etc that is now needed to create cool/interesting/professional results. I can now go to any art student, rent them a 5d - let their creativity flow and get great results? What type of pressure will that put on the industry , when only the biggest fashion houses need to hire the rockstar photographer, when that cool photographer in the mall can be least one shot for one shot by someone's mom, who has a good photography eye?

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