Canon 5d Question

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • Machuse0

    pr2 thanks for the link - in another post he makes a similar argument to mine…
    - This is not a comprehensive shoot out between those 2 cameras if anything it’s just to prove my theory that when it comes to HDV because so much of color information gets thrown out when compressing to MPEG2 then whether it’s 1 or 3 chip camera doesn’t really matter. Don’t get me wrong JVC is a superb camera so this is not to diss JVC but rather to prove that you can have pro-level quality for $700 of HV20/30/40 so if you ever though about making movies... Well there is no excuses available anymore!

    To everyone above who is arguing about the art of photography, and playing the piano - and other strictly skill and time based activities that is not the discussion.

    Taking a picture is like mowing the lawn - press the button. How PROFESSIONAL that result is, is a function of how good your equipment is ... at least now it is.

    If you want to create a crosshatch pattern, or if your not experienced enough with the lawnmower to actually cut straight is a different discussion.

    See playing the piano is completely skill based. And the skill takes along time to develop - i played violin for the first 18 years of my life (first 5 notwithstanding) . If I gave you my violin after playing a sonata and handed you a violin to replicate the shot - it wouldn't happen. If a professional photographer took a picture of a family at a wedding - then handed the same camera to an assistant and said, yea I'm aiming at that - you'll get the same shot.

    I'm not talking about people who don't understand photography, or people who don't want to spend the time - at least in the long run - to use their equipment properly, and study the masters.

    But if your tasked with creating a great looking interview - you don't need to hire out a great videographer anymore - think of some good angles and interesting shot structures . Don't buy any lights (for effect here) - and go out and shoot the shots you want. The quality wont let you down. You couldn't do this when I was in highschool. I had a project where my teacher loved our product - I spend hours working on it - studying films and what it was to setup a shot - lighting etc. Contacted videographers in the area - taught myself Premiere. Had a great product theoretically - But it looked like someones professionally edited home video ... because we were using someones dad's cheap little camera. Now if I had a canon 5d......

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