Canon 5d Question

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • DoTheMacarena0

    Ah this is fun!

    Ok, now that I've had a few Samuel Smith's and a few Maker's, let me ramble some more.

    So we've argued a few points:

    1) If you give a bunch of non-experienced individuals some high end camera equipment (it really could equipment for any medium, but for sake of argument we'll stick with photo), out of say.... 1000 people, you will end up with a handful of people whom are dedicated, show promise, and deliver quality product.

    2) Digital has not yet completely taken over analog mediums yet, but it's getting there.

    Ok let's say we DO give 1000 high school kids a 5D. I am absolutely SURE we would have some quality products out of some of them, after they assimilated themselves with their equipment. They would most likely be the ones that took the time to learn the craft, and got into it. I also believe that these would be the same kids that would possibly become involved in photography anyway.

    IMO, no matter how inexpensive high-end equipment becomes, the people that WANT to make beautiful images WILL be the ones that do, no matter what the cost or process. When a 50 megapixel camera that can shoot low-grain @ 409,600 ISO gets released, I seriously doubt that the market for professionals will be diminished. The professionals at that point, though, will be incredibly versed in all aspects of post processing, compositing, and whatever else the industry has driven (as they are now, just more so). Who knows, there even could be *gasp* a trend in analog mediums or even a new organic/digital blend of imaging that we can't even fathom now.

    What I'm saying is that whether it's photography, music, art, film, or otherwise, technology will change the process, but the demand for artistic ability will stay the same. The industry and the people in it, just need to be able to evolve with it. Art school (and even high school) kids are being taught now what I have only recently been able to teach myself, and in a much more efficient matter (with a much more absorbant brain). They have a foundation that far exceeds mine, and they will learn that much faster. Thank god for these internets.

    As far as digital eclipsing analog, we know we're right on the cusp of it really getting there. The RED was a great demonstration of that, and the new VDSLRs have introduced consumer HD on a whole new level. Does my $800 VDSLR rival 35mm? No. But it probably will in 5 years. And what does THAT mean? That my script better be pretty fucking good, and I can't complain about that one bit.

    • W O R Dgjd
    • I can agree with most of this. Although I think it will threaten certain aspects of the photography industry.Machuse
    • And probably the non-art related. i.e who is going to pay for portraits - with the out of the box quality u get from 7d?Machuse
    • Thanks a million for your input and insightMachuse

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