iPad - Yes or No

Out of context: Reply #96

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  • MrT0

    No. For most of these reasons in 1 to 95.

    A lot has been made (hyped) of the eBook and publishing deals and that it will do for books what iTunes/Pod has done for music.

    You can arguably 'consume' more music than books at any one time; an album takes an hour or so to listen to and the number of places you can use an iPod is huge. So the iPod meant increased opportunities to listen to more, easily available music. Who reads more than a couple of books at a time, and how long do they take to read?

    If you enjoy reading, what is better than a paperback novel? They are easy to get hold of and already in the ultimate format. iPad at the beach? or on a plane? (certainly not during takeoff and landing). And if you don't like reading, will iPad convert you?

    I don't get it.

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