New Job Transition

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  • jazmine0

    yeah, they are generally cool with the fact that you need to finish up with your current job. if they aren't i've found it's a bad sign of them, but most times i've found that they understand that you need to finish up your job, and its also an indication of the future dedication you will have for them.

    as far as the interview part, i've stached my book with at friends jobs nearby the interview spot, packed clothes that fancy up my otherwise regular outfits, and gone to the interviews on pretense of lunch or doctors appointments. it's pretty much par for the course, i think.

    • Thanks! Yeah, I haven't used the doctor excuse, I suppose its due.wademd
    • show up to work on the day of your 'doctors visit' dressed up, and see either the comments you get or how nicely they start treating you for fear you are leaving.jazmine

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