twisted scifi-ish movies

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  • CAJTBr0

    i disagree about 12 monkeys. it was good. it's also similar to donnie darko. the french film it's based on is also good (la jetee i think it was called). and watch jacob's ladder just for the context re donnie darko.

    i also disagree about jurassic park, it fits into this genre simply because it was a rewrite of westworld, which is a great sci-fi film.

    and i liked mulholland drive too.

    and twin peaks, buy the dvd box set for hours and hours of stuff that fits into this category.

    there was once a series/extended movie produced by oliver stone called 'wild palms' which fits perfectly into this category.

    if you liked existenz, you'll probably like videodrome & someone already mentioned naked lunch.

    and i didn't like AI, but i did like that other spielberg sci fi thing that i can't remember oh yeah that was it minority report. and that fits into this category, doesn't it?

    but!!! seeing as everyone is dissing films, i hated the matrix, it was a waste of space. its the best example of style over content i can think of. and what little content there was made no sense at all. why do the robots have to put these people in the matrix? just hook them up to the machines, sap their energy and have done with it. but how come they need energy from humans anyway? can't they just use the energy that powers the machines that enslave humanity? and how are those people running that spaceship? where do they get the energy for that from? and what about these agents that have to go into the matrix to get stuff done? if the matrix is just this computer program, why don't they just disconnect the troublemakers from the system from outside? all important questions that need answering before i can get on with my daily life.

    hopefully chris cunningham will get his act together one day and make neuromancer.

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